Minggu, 26 April 2015

MAKALAH ESP Needs Analysis for Nursing Students

            First of all, the writer’s thanks addressed for Almighty God by his blessing in accomplishing this paper and have a good cooperation with the members of group 2 in ESP class. The second, the writers express gratitude for their parents who always pray for this paper finished well.
       (English Special Purpose) is designed to know what the learner’s need. ESP is defined by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) as an   “approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning”. Following on from this concept, in deciding to teach in EFL (English as a Foreign Language), it is essential to gain an understanding the learner’s needs.  English teacher should have the skills for every branch of ESP, to improve the ability of English.
The title of this paper is “Needs Analysis for Nursing Students Utilizing Questionnaires and Interviews” It is analyzed for the purpose to accomplish the subject of ESP at college. How the nursing students need English effective for them in both of their study and their work. Hence by analyzing their needs, the English teachers will know how to teach them and create syllabus for them.
            The writers realize there are some mistakes in writing this paper. It is because the capability of the writers is limited. Anyhow, because of the support and encouragement of all parts, the creating of this paper finally finished in appropriate time.
            The writer hopes this paper will be useful, especially to writers their selves and to all of the readers and to be material of consideration to develop and improve the achievement in future.

ESP (English for Specific Purposes) is the activity of teaching learning of specific skills and language needed by particular learners for a particular purpose. This purpose must be a professional purpose, means the purpose is in the form of a set of skills that learners currently need or will need in their professional careers. It can be include business skills, such as English for Job-hunting or Presentations. ESP tends to focus on the learners' ability to function effectively at work, rather than purely their level of English.  The aim of ESP courses is to equip the learners with a certain English proficiency level for a situation where the language is going to be used, i.e., target needs.
         Broadly defined, needs analysis (NA) is a procedure to collect information about learners' needs (Richards, 2001). In the last few years, needs analysis researches have tended to an increased interest in investigating the most effective ways of improving the ability of workers in using ESP in the workplace. Need analysis has a vital role in the process of designing and carrying out any language course, whether it be English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or general English course, and its centrality has been acknowledged by several scholars and authors(Munby, 1978; Richterich and Chancerel, 1987; Hutchinson and Waters,1987; Berwick, 1989; Brindley, 1989; Tarone and Yule, 1989; Robinson, 1991; Johns, 1991; West, 1994; Allison et al. (1994); Seedhouse, 1995; Jordan, 1997; Dudley-Evans and St. John, 1998; Iwai et al. 1999; Hamp- Lyons, 2001; Finney, 2002).  Brindley (1989) and Berwick (1989) offer definitions of different .
According to Dudley-Evans and St.John, addressing the language required and learning context of learners is a cornerstone of ESP. “Need is defined by the reason for which the student is learning English, which will vary from study purposes such as following a postgraduate course in an English speaking country to work purposes  such as participating in business meetings or taking hotel bookings.
The teaching of English for Medical Study, especially for Nurse takes place in essence to make the analysis of learners’ needs about English. So, this paper looks at the result of analysis for undergraduate nurses, how far they need English for their job and course in order to be professional, and the ratio between “Technical” and “Social English” in their course. Nurses must promote confidence in using social communicative English throughout a course focusing on speaking and listening and concerns with the basic technical vocabulary. 

Methods for needs analysis

Pre-course Needs Analysis in which the information is collected by using questionnaire, interviewing and informal discussion.


Needs analysis in ESP now encompasses determining: (a) The tasks and activities learners are/will be using English for-target situation analysis and objective needs, (b) Factor which may affect the way they learn such as previous learning experiences, cultural information, reasons for attending the course and expectations of it, attitude to English-wants, means, and subjective needs, (c) The learners’ lacks, (d) The effective ways learning the skills and language, (e) Knowledge of how language and skills are used in target situation and (f) what is wanted to achieve from the course.
The term “pedagogic needs analysis” was proposed by West (1998) as an umbrella term to describe the following three elements of needs analysis. He states the fact that shortcomings of target needs analysis should be compensated for by collecting data about the learner and the learning environment.
The term ‘pedagogic needs analysis’ covers deficiency analysis, strategy analysis or learning needs analysis, and means analysis.

1.      Deficiency Analysis
What Hutchinson and Waters (1987) define as lacks can be matched with deficiency analysis. Also, according to Allwright (1982, quoted in West, 1994), the approaches to needs analysis that have been developed to consider learners’ present needs or wants may be called analysis of learners’ deficiencies or  lacks. From what has already been said, it is obvious that deficiency analysis is the route to cover from point A (present situation) to point B (target situation), always keeping the learning needs in mind. Therefore, deficiency analysis can form the basis of the language syllabus (Jordan, 1997) because it should provide data about both the gap between present and target extra linguistic knowledge, mastery of general English, language skills, and learning strategies.

2.      Strategy Analysis or Learning Needs Analysis
As it is apparent from the name, this type of needs analysis has to do with the strategies that learners employ in order to learn another language. This tries to establish how the learners wish to learn rather than what they need to learn (West, 1998).

This paper presents several questionnaires in analyzing the nurse student’s needs. As the first question is “Why do they need English?” By this question, we’ll know the prime purpose of the students to study English. There are some choices, such as “Do they do it for; a) exam or course requirement, b) for future work, by improving their skill, c) further education, d) literature research for diploma work, or d) the combination of those choices? Accordingly we can set the learning focus on their need.
The second and the third question “How many hours a week do the study English?” and “How far do they like to learn English?” Both of these questions will help the English teacher to know about the frequency of English learnt by them at college or other places in a week and how they think the English is, whether they a) like, b) very like, c) dislike or d) less. Therefore we can measure their proficiency in English, the choice a) one-two hours gives us the sign that we need to think about the extra way attracting their interest in English, and to create the effective method to design English interesting and really useful for them. In other side the proficiency of student in English will be higher if the choice b) Two-five filled out by them, and we can compare this with the first choice in the way we are going to give lesson. It can be said that choice c) five to ten, or choice d) more than ten is the best opinion for us to say that they have been attracted by English, by means we only guide them for the purpose they need for English.
In deciding to teach EFL (English Foreign Language), we need to know the skills they really want or need to have or master, that it’s the fourth question in this paper. This is very important to ask them in ordering the skills they need from the most important till the least important. Hence, we’ll be able to determine what skill should be the improved or increased most.
“Does nurse perceive English as an important tool of communication?” This question will give us the role in English is important for them whether it is a) Yes or b) No. Next question is “Does medical training require the usage of English?” and “Does the nurse feel that language English course at college level based on medical English?” by these questions, we’ll go by the usage of medical English in their college and workplace so that we can know the area of teaching and how they finally will be able use the language  effectively.
            The writers also in this paper make the analysis about the learners’ feel about the ratio of “Technical” and “Social English” to support their profession and suitable for what they need. Technical English here deals with studying English Terminology for the nurse. Terminology means, special words or expressions used in relation to nurses, whereas Social English studies  about the way of nurses doing communication between patient, doctor, and other people. What do they feel would be the best ration of technical to social English in their first year of study”. The choices are a) 100% technical, b) 100% social, c) 50/50, d)75% technical, 25% social, or d)75% social, 25% technical. At last, we’ll be able to decide what we will teach more, between “Technical” and “Social English” by the ratio given by them.
            Knowing where the learners study English to improve their skill, becomes the next question in this paper, which serves three choices, such as at a) course, b) university or c) private. “After their studies are completed, where do they think they will work”. The important also to know “how do they improve their English” and to find out “what the difficulties do they face in English” and “The details of their previous English study”.
            The level of English a)Primary, b)Elementary, c)Intermediate, or d) Advance also will guide us  as EFL to improve and develop their English by their prior knowledge in English. the question about their role and responsibilities are asked only with the students who have training at workplace as nurses.


This chapter presents the data of 30 respondents from different college of nursing college in Medan and Siantar. The result of the analysis of their needs of English,as the following.
From the data shows that the reason of the learners in need English is 20 students choose for future work. Here they need English to improve their proficiency for future work. Where other nine students need English just to be able to follow the English at college as the one of the course requirement. But only one students need English for several reasons, she needs to accomplish the exam at college, need it for future work, further education, and literature research for diploma work.
About the frequency of English is studied by them, the percentage is higher in the first choice around one-two a week, where the amount of them is 20 people, about 64%. The students who have English study from two-five the rest of the total amount is about 34%.
The ration of nurse students regarding the desire in English from the 30 respondents tell us that these notions reaches“ Like” 76,6%, “ Very like” 1%, “Dislike 10%, and Less 10%.
The skill “Speaking” which mostly important needed by the nurse students from most important to least important is in order Speaking-Vocabulary-Pronunciation-Listening-Reading-Writing. It reaches 5 students. The number of students who need to master the skill “Vocabulary” in nursing academy to enhance their ability in English is only 2 students the order: Vocabulary-Pronunciation, Speaking-Listening-Reading-Writing. “Listening” has the same rate, where only 2 students regard Listening is the most important. The lowest score, “Reading” is chosen only by  1 student as the most important skill. From the data taken out, writing is the least important, where almost all the students regard choose the last order.
English for 24 nurses students is an important tool of communication, whereas for 6 person it’s less important. The percentage is 80%- 20%. About the usage of English is required in medical training it achieves 96%. Around  93% say that English language course at college relevant to the activities performed in the workplace. All of them say that English courses at college are based on medical English.

Nurse students point the that the best ratio between Technical English and Social English, in the first year of study which chosen only by 1 student reckon 100% technical, and 5 students say 100% technical, 13 students say those are in balance 50/50, and 5 students say more in technical 75% technical and 25% social. The rest is around 5 students choose 75% social and 25% technical.
Students can improve their English proficiency mostly in their university. The percentage is 66,7 % .Other students can improve their English in course, around 8 students 23,3%. The other, only 2 students who have private studying in improving their English. Most of them choose Indonesia is the place where they will work in. There are only 16% or 5 students who want to go abroad having graduated from their college.
There are many ways of the nurse students to improve their English besides attending course, college or private. Many of them say by reading books related to English, they may make training to make translation, listening music or film in English, and communicate with native speaker. Accordingly, they also have many difficulties, most of them difficult in grammar, less understanding about tenses,  memorizing vocabularies, and pronunciate certain vocabularies.
The details of their previous English, some of them still remember the studying about Technical English, the study of the names of important medical tools in hospital, the names of disease, and the name of medicines. About social English they learn how to greet and advice patients or people, how to give command for patient, and the history of nursing in English. 
The learners mostly in level Elementary in English, half of the students or 50% still learn the second basic of English. But some of them still in level Primary, the first basic of English. Some also have been in level intermediate and advance, around 17%.
            By this data, of the learners’ need, we can design the framework of teaching will be given for them, useful and effective for what they have been checked and written in Needs Analysis Questionnaire Paper (NAQP).


There are some important data from analyzing the nursing learner’s needs for ELT (English Language Teacher). Many of nurse students need English for future work. There’s no detailed reason asked by analyzer by this case. But the answer can be interpreted by means finally they will be able to use English for important purposes of the necessity of future work. It means that English learning for the nursing students must be as relevant as they needs that they can be taught about the broad sense of English for nursing.
Students mostly get English only one-two hours a week, that only gotten from campus. This time appears that it’s a very little opportunity to have English knowledge familiarly by the short time. It can be measured that they mostly in the lower level of English. As the learning, this result will be considered by teacher to interpret the receiving of English by them, how far they are familiar with English words and know how to pronounce those words.
Most nursing students who have been analyzed about their needs in English called “like” to study English. Like here means able to follow and not to be troublesome subject need. If they are encouraging to speak English, it will not let their mouth closed to speak something in English, as the simple example, their respond “Good Morning, nice to meet you”. There’s still possibility to enhance their interest in English. Only a student who is dislike of English subject will reduce of the percentage of “like” and for no reasons it is chose.
Students with the higher number need English to improve their skill in Speaking, Vocabulary and Reading. Speaking is foremost for them, that it is to communicate with patients and doctors; even they will need it for doing conversation with people out of country to share about anything, that firstly regarding the job necessity. Learning certain technical terms in nursing as enhancing their vocabulary is the second skill that they want to. It will really help them to do their works as nursing; to understand the names of medicines, medical equipments written in English, and also about the names of sickness. Reading by them as the third needed to be mastered by them by no reasons

  Almost all the students feel that English courses at college level are based on medical English. That clarifies that English in their college is very appropriate learning that will give the teachers the view to use the media carried out by the teachers in the college.
The best ratio between the teaching “Technical” and “Social English” according to them should be 50/50 or balance rate. Taking the medical words to be understood and recognized will be a really helpful for both of their education and work. It is has same significance for the social English. Social all means about the way to give good interaction between nursing to patients or doctors.
Most of the nurse students improve their English at college. The other ways of them to improve their English by training themselves to make do translation, listening music or film in English, and communicating with native speaker.
Based on the Need Analysis carried out for 30 respondents, it is found that there are some difficulties in studying English. Most of them get trouble in understanding Grammar, especially the tenses, because most of them still in the level Elementary English.  Some of them are difficult in pronunciation and translation. They are in level Advance. Their previous study English is about both of technical English and Social English such as the study about medical tools, medicines and diseases and the way to give greeting and advice for people especially the patients.

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