Minggu, 26 April 2015



v Defenition
            Adjective are class of lexical words identified by their ability. Adjective is a word qualifying a noun or pronoun.
v Position  
To fill the position is between noun – determiner ( pronoun, article, numeral, qualifier ) and noun and the position after a linking verb and a qualifier such as , very, rather, and quit.

v Kinds of Adjective

Adjective can be kind, that is :
§  Simple adjective : that is the original adjective single words such as :

o   Black                        
o   White
o   Clean
o   High
o   Long
o   Stupid

§  Complex adjective : that is adjective which are formed other than the way the original adjective formed. Example :

o   Practise        -           practical
o   Politic            -           political
o   Danger         -           dangerous


v Adjective equivalent
                Adjective equivqlents in wich they are funcitoning as to modify noun.

v Articel
ð The article ‘a’ and ‘an’  is used before the word beginning with a consonant, or the vowel with the consonant sound:a man, a house, a university, an apple, an uncle, an hour.
Ex: -The brother play game.                            
      -My mother buy an apple.

v Noun
                =>     Noun can be used to show adjective function wether as attributive or predicative
                        Ex: -She is a teacher             
                         - The favorit artist is lunamaya

v  Participle and Gerund
ð  Participle asa a modifier of noun can be devided into present participle and past participle
Example of  present participle: - I have two ironing board
                                             : - My I have a glass of drinking water
Example of past participle       : - The man is a drunken master
                                             : - The written symbol shows a clear meaning

v Verb

ð Verb can used as an adjective because it can modify noun,verb here is to infinitive verb

Ex : - The mineral water is good to drink
     : - There is no clothes to use whan the disasaters

v Prepositional Phrase
ð Prepositional phrase in this case is meant adjective phrase,that is a phrase which function as an adjective modifiying noun and has preposition as a head
Ex : - Look at the child under the tree
     : - Mrs.masni is the girl in the blue T-shirt

v Prepositions clause
ð Clause is a group of words which has the subject and a verb that can function as the modifier of noun and this kind of clause is called adjective clause

Ex : - He buys the car which a painted
     : - I wrote a paper that is assigned by Mr.Pardi

v Adverb
ð Some adverbs can be funtioned as the modifier of noun

Ex : - Yanti lives up the hiil
     : - We will cath the half past seven train

v Genetive
ð Apostrophe is a modifier of noun and functions as adjective

Ex : - The cup is sule
     : - The children home work are not collected


v Comparison of Adjectives       

In comparing objects with each other, the forms of adjectives are changed or modified to show degree of quality, quantity, or relation. Commonly, this is named as Adjectives Degrees of Comparison. There are three degrees of comparison:
1.     The positive degree is the simplest form of the adjective and denotes a simple quality, quantity, or relation. They have no special ending : strong, weak, beautifull, rich, old, young, ect.
The examples in sentences:                                       
a.     Dinda is beautifull.
b.     The building is big.
c.      She is very smart.
2.     The comparative degree is used when two things or object of the same class are compared. Usually, it is followed by than.
The example in sentences:
a.     The house is bigger than that one
b.     Tom is taller than George
c.      My father is older than my mother
3.     The superlative degree is applied to persons, objects, or groups with a quality or quantity in the highest or lowest degree.
The example in sentences:
a.     The house is the biggest in the city
b.     This is the most interest party I have ever see
c.      She is the biggest girl among us

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